#obvious tadc reference
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strogelen21 · 1 year ago
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They are really bringing every person back to get cooked by Sukuna. And would still get more recognition from him than Yuji ever will.
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impostorsshow · 1 year ago
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No I did not clean up that line art yes it was fun
Hes such a guy
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izzyviol3t · 1 year ago
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ervikirvi · 2 months ago
TADC Rambles and Rants: Kinger (TW for Disturbing Images)
Remember when Baron Mildenhall said that he was no longer the protector of his wife and theoretical children?
[ignore the misuse of the word pair, I couldn't find another word for it]
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And how we all agreed that the Baron is a pretty obvious parallel to Kinger in the past? Considering that this would've been during the time both Queenie and Kinger were already stuck in The Amazing Digital Circus, and it would've been some time after they arrived, who do you think "theoretical children" were referring to? Because not only that, but it's "children", plural. And again, since this is taking place back in Kinger's past, and I don't believe this is referring to Pomni like a theory channel suggested. No, this is definitely referring to someone way before her time, but who?
If we take a look back at the environmental storytelling of Episode Three, our first clue is a gravestone with the name "Peggy Mildenhall"
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Problem is, she died in 2029-2030, WAYYYYYY after the early 2000's, where the timeline supposedly takes place. Unless the game is being restored or something at a later date, this makes no sense. And yet it's there, unless of course we just blame it on the fact that Caine is an AI messing up minor details like AI's do, there might be some importance to this. Another thing to note, Peggy died as a one-year-old, a baby. Which makes it even more strange that she'd be included here at all unless it was Queenie and Kinger's before they entered the circus. OR, the one-year difference is supposed to represent how long the person survived in the circus before abstracting. At this point, I'm grasping at straws, so I'm going to ignore the date but keep it in the back of your mind that there are three Mildenhalls. (Peggy is also a girl's name, keep that in mind later)
Now, pay attention to the pictures on the walls before the adventure starts.
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This one piqued my interest the most. A woman (we can assume to be Martha), and two others. The one in the white shirt seems to be younger than the other one, with a chubbier face, and appears to be placed on Martha's lap (notice the arm beside them). I believe this is Peggy. The other one looks to be a bit older, standing up perhaps or just leaning on Martha. With their short hair and pointier chin, I believe they are a boy. With no other reason as to why they have a picture of Martha with two children hanging up in their home, I believe there are now FOUR Mildenhalls.
And now notice the picture on the left whenever Ghostly introduces himself.
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One eye and buck teeth? The Pink Cyclops
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They even have the same shape of eye; however, the eye color is a little lighter than that of the Cyclops. Whose eye is the same color as the rest of his body. There is a less strong contender on who this could be, but just keep in mind that we'll see a one-eyed creature again.
And now I want to introduce to you someone who I have no clue the identity of.
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Since I'm going off of every-picture-has-meaning, I believe they are important too. The figure I assume to be a woman from the long, black hair and small, pointy chin. It's obviously not Martha, so who could it be? Possibly another older child? I wouldn't say that Caine couldn't make a parallel to Kinger's past appear as a dead figure, he did that with Kinger himself. Whatever it is, it appears to be... demonic
Let me show you a few other things that caught my attention, some of which I have no explanation for or are pretty obvious for what they represent.
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Originally, I was going to say that this was something related to Queenie because at the beginning where it was first shown the room was dark, and you could only see the left side with the scaly eyeball, and the shape of it made it look like a moth wing. But at the end when everyone is reunited you can clearly see that this is the hide of something. Possibly of the deer skull above it? If so, the Baron did a terrible job. But the fact that is the shape of a strange, squiggly line(?), with a scaly eyeball, and contour lines makes me think it might have to do with The-Worm-On-A-String
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A stretch, but still. Could it be Peggy? Or the demon woman from before? How many children did Kinger have???
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Looks like to be the Angel, but why did the Baron have them painted and hung up on his wall? In one of the main halls might I add??
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Obviously an Abstraction, but of who? Or is it to represent Abstraction in the first place? Another thing to note is that this painting is in the same room with the Cyclops and Demon Woman, could this be telling us that the pictures of the other two are IN-FACT Abstracted characters?
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Another one to add after the adventure ended. I believe that they are two Abstractions, on their knees, connected by a branch or a tendril. Strangely, they only have one eye. And they ARE two different Abstractions since the farther one is slimmer with a bigger white dot on its stomach. Keep in mind that there will be a repeating theme of twos and threes.
And now for the adventure:
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A skull I could not identify, in a way it reminds me of a bear and canine skull, but incredibly bloated. The eye sockets are also wrong, the right one seems to be higher up to the top of the skull, while the other is more forward. One socket prey, one socket predator, in the same diagonal direction as that of the Angel. Speaking of the Angel, look where it's located.
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Right under the Angel's head. Who, coincidentally, has the same eye-diagonal-direction to that of Queenie. Although there are different takes as to what the Angel itself represents, I believe it represents an Abstracted Queenie, or at least, Abstraction in some way or another.
Skulls in The Bible represent mortality and the nature of Life and the inevitability of Death, something that the Abstracted know all too well. Minor rant over, just know that Queenie will be a part of this. And the skull-skeleton-bone whatever WILL make a minor comeback! 
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//Minor appearance of two people, one being built like Bigfoot and the other, possibly a woman, carrying a dark object in her arms, or having her arms wrapped around something, a dog, perhaps.
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The Boiled One The painting beside the stairs resembles the Demon Woman, but de-faced, bloody, and crying blood. You can tell it's her from the eyes, nose, pointy chin, and smile. Interesting that she got more demonic since the adventure started, and that she's looking directly at the staircase that is walled off with brick. Preventing Pomni and Kinger from going back upstairs to the rest of the group, while she was also the one right beside the Scary Door. Almost like the painting is sentient somehow.
Enough about the Demon Woman, this is where things start to connect: [Heads up from the future, I went crazy after describing things that you can just see with your own eyes, just skip to the third photo. Still keeping it in here for those who are curious]
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A missing pair of three, two ghostly women looking out hauntingly. And a singular entity that looks to be on its own page, less human than the others. One woman stands out with a crooked neck, and we can vaguely tell that she has a dark set of hair. The other, with a more neutral expression, has a light set of hair. The three men, two dark beards one light, interestingly have X's over their eyes. This is the point where I want to mention that these figures could just represent friends that have Abstracted. After all, these do seem to be the victims of God's Angel. A reason for the Baron to go after it, a reason for Kinger to protect his family from it, whatever it is. Another Side Rant: If God's Angel represents someone who Abstracted or Abstraction in general, the early players may not have known that they were Players. And that they were viruses or demonic creatures that Caine put in to torture them. And when Queenie Abstracted, that's when Kinger realized, or after attacking the beast who "killed" his wife he realized it WAS his wife, and thus that heartfelt reunion in the Pillow Fort. That's why Queenie held no grudges, she knew Kinger was just trying to protect everyone else.
"And I ended up shooting the love of my life, mistaking her for the creature. It's ironic, isn't it? In my attempts to protect her, I ended up becoming the monster myself." -Baron Theodore Mildenhall
BUT I'M NOT DONE [Just a heads up, I went nowhere with this]
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BECAUSE I BELIEVE THE CROOKED NECK LADY IS QUEENIE. OR MARTHA WHO KNOWS, IT ALL LEADS BACK TO QUEENIE IN THE END SO WHO CARES? A REPRESENTATION OF A REPRESENTATION IS STILL A REPRESENTATION BUT ^2. This entire thing is me grasping at straws, so why not more? She's wearing a robe, and her hands look to be detached. Also, messed up neck? Queens have quite a history of neck and head trauma (ever heard of King Henry VII? /j) Why is Martha revealed to be dead already? I don't know, the figure behind her also has a chubby face, could it be Peggy? Are we circling back to Peggy now? Is this the baby but as a teenager because they're shorter than Martha? Is the one-year difference just how long they survived in the circus? Why do they have light hair? Can't be the Demon Woman because they also have dark hair. But guess what, according to Google baby hair can in fact get lighter as they grow older. Ghost-white hair though? I don't know. If it isn't Peggy, then how many HYPOTHETICAL children did Kinger and Queenie have????? Am I going to get anywhere with this?
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The only photo I want to note here is the last one with the creature. A black, gangly creature with two heads although the left arm looks to have an eye on it. Abstraction representation anyone? (Also why was the Baron taking photos of his own Manor???)
This is where the connecting starts happening
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The one-eyed figure returns. Another hint that the Cyclops might be one of Kinger's children (if you completely forgot that was the point of this post, I don't blame you) HOWEVER, he does look like another character. One that is purple with spikes.
It is almost an exact match, even down to the highlight in his eye and the pink spike on his head. Only thing different is the black lines, suggesting tension, on the pink spike, which looks more like a flower petal. And having a full set of teeth. Strangely, it's a picture of only their side, which the Cyclops picture also does:
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The Cyclops picture, actually being the Whatever-It-Is makes a little bit of sense since they have a lighter iris, a prominent bucktooth, and matches more with the body color. The only problem is, Whatever-It-Is has a snout, this guy does not. They look like a cyclops with Whatever-It-Is's coloring.
The other elephant in the room is the high-looking dog thing that also reminds me of a muppet. A sock puppet. A dog sock puppet that looks like none of the two characters who would fit that bill.
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It has piercing, blood-shot eyes while being as pale as a ghost, it has to be one of them. Unless Caine has forgotten what they look like, or Kinger? At this point, I'm ready to throw my towel in and just say that the Whatever-It-Is and the Cyclops are the children, if I didn't know that it continued.
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Slithers A snake-like creature can be spotted on the shelf, a GREEN snake. A green, worm?
guess who's part green
And to top it all off?
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Queenie's there too. A spider on a green web. If this entire episode is on Kinger's past, and everything so far represents someone, then Queenie is a bug. If she's not the Angel, then she's a bug. Unbeknownst to Kinger, the entire family was reunited in some messed up way. Not only that, but Martha's portrait is on the bottom left-hand screen. And you want to know what's even better?
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DO I NEED TO SAY MORE? Not ONLY that, but the ANGEL is RIGHT THERE TOO, with the caption "IT'S IN ME". And TO CONTINUE, there is a hole on the abstraction page, with black blood splattered over the Angel and gibberish note. ALMOST LIKE A GUNSHOT???
The Angel being some sort of parallel-representation-whatever of Queenie, would make sense as to WHY it ONLY started to attack Pomni and Kinger AFTER Kinger killed the fly. Could it be a parallel (I'm getting sick of this word) to a struggling fly caught in a spider's web only alerting the spider after thrashing around in its web? (Pomni and Kinger, Kinger specifically, struggling to kill the fly, and making a whole lot of noise when he does?) Or could it just be that she was pissed that he killed a fly in the first place? MAYBE THAT'S WHY SHE WENT DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE OF ABSTRACTING, KINGER KILLED SOMETHING FROM HER INSECT COLLECTION!
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//Queenie died and took the children with her istg
But two children and one parent don't fit the pattern we've been seeing. Where's the Demon Woman? Where's the Worm? Who is Peggy? Who are their children??
I think the answer lies in that first photo:
A woman, Martha. Queenie. And two children, a boy and a baby girl. Originally I went into this wanting to prove that Dobby was their son, but it looks like there's more evidence for Whatever-It-Is being their son than him. So that's who the little boy in the picture represents. The girl, however, I have two answers:
The girl is Pomni, hypocritical of me since at the start I said. "And again, since this is taking place back in Kinger's past, and I don't believe this is referring to Pomni like a theory channel suggested."
And I also said that I believed the baby to be Peggy, who also only lived for one year. However, the time difference doesn't necessarily mean she was one year old, she could've been born (joined) a week before New Year's or a few months before New Year's. And escaped the circus (died) at the beginning of the new year. The baby could represent a new child in their life, some more recent, Pomni.
The baby is the Worm-On-A-String, which would be a more satisfying answer since this IS supposed to take place in Kinger's past. Also, very multi-colored children, seem fitting. (she also looks like a Peggy)
But if the Worm-On-A-String isn't the baby, then she's the Demon Woman. I mean, worm--snake? Close enough. The funny thing is her getting more demonic as time goes on. First, she appears beside the Scary Door, as if she's hiding or has something to do with its contents. The next time we see her she's looking at the stairwell, smiling, almost like she's curious to see their reaction to the stairs being bricked off. Like she knew it was, maybe even was the one who did it. This also forces them into doing the adventure and forces the events of the entire episode to take fold.  Although she does not appear demonic, rather, she appears curious about the situation. Funny how an entire plot point of this episode was the demon being revealed as one of God's Angels. Two skulls, three flowers. Maybe the skull underneath the Angel's head wasn't to say that Queenie had the third skull, the Worm's skull, but rather that she and Kinger are the skulls, and their children are the flowers. A set of two, and a set of three. Two parents, and three children. It would make a lot of sense for the Worm to be one of their children since there are two girls and one boy.
But if we say that the Worm-On-A-String is Peggy, then who is the Demon Woman? Could it be perhaps Pomni because she gets possessed? But this takes place before Hell, and we're trying to stay timeline-consistent here. Who is the Demon Woman? They may be another Abstraction that we haven't looked at yet, one with too much of a blurry door to tell what it is. Or maybe the Demon Woman isn't a woman at all, but rather a lingering presence in Kinger's past that started all of this. Perhaps they are the first Abstraction, when they realize they can, in fact, die. They may not be an actual person, they may just be Abstraction itself, but it would explain why they get a humanoid figure. A representation of Death.
Perhaps the Worm-On-The-String is both Peggy and the Demon, first to go, first to die. We only see Martha with two children, not three. Maybe the skulls, Queenie having one, represent them all being dead. And the flowers? I'm not quite sure, could be the memories of them, that would explain why Queenie's the biggest. But it's not confirmed if Kinger has any memories of his children. He did say that the memory of his wife once he "has control over", maybe the memories of them are like a candlelight flickering in and out. I genuinely do not have an explanation for them, all of this is speculation and me grasping at straws trying to make a scarecrow out of them.
I believe that Whatever-It-Is and Worm-On-A-String are Queenie and Kinger's children. I don't know about Pomni and I don't know about the Cyclops. Perhaps they were in the "just getting there" stage. Gooseworx did say we will get to learn more about Kinger, and I can't wait to see what I got wrong and what I got right.
//I was going to do another rant on Kinger's realization with Queenie, but if you couldn't tell I hit the maximum number of pictures I'm allowed to use, so that will be for another time.
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meatballsu · 1 year ago
I have rewatched TADC many times recently and I come up with many interesting theories about Ragatha (My favorite) and I think it is great to share them here.
Theory: Ragtha is kinda on Caine’s side, or at least she is the person who always “giving”.
This isn’t intend to propose that Caine and Ragatha are “bad” or something. I’m not sure if anyone is watching the GenV series (Spoilers alert!)
and I think Ragatha is sorta a role like Kate that supports the Caine.
One thing is that when Caine is stopped by Pomni questioning about how do they leave, Ragatha immediately takes the question with a little stuttering opening, like she helps Caine when the AI is malfunctioned.
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Another thing is she apologized to Pomni when glitching, says Pomni had a bad day, it looks like Ragatha took the responsibility that she should take care of the newbies.
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I also noticed a very interesting detail about Ragatha's motion design. I collected all the clips of she approaching while people remaining steady. You know it usually means this person is a sacrificer in relationships.
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Even when she is not in a good mood about Pomni's “abandon” . Ragatha still approaches and stands by her side.
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This gives me the feeling that Caine may have demanded or asked her for help to care the new "sucker".
Additionally, the Kaufmo part also striked me a little. (It may turns out to be simply the pilot needs and my overthinking. But consider I have to wait for months to expect a new episode so why not brain storm.)
So Ragatha is the person who promts to check Kaufmo:
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Ragatha: Oh, wait, we should go check on Kaufmo. And I'm pretty sure he'd like to meet Pomni.
While Kinger refuses the idea and says:
I think Kaufmo's gone insane. Last time I spoke with him, he was rambling endlessly about some exit.
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After they went to the carpet, Ragatha mentioned that:
Well, we usually do, when we first arrive, but after a while you start to realize that you really can't leave and constantly chasing an unattainable goal will start driving you a bit crazy. And eventually you get to asking what the point of anything is and you completely lose sight of who you are and why you're even alive and when you reach your breaking point something really terrible can happen.
When she saw the abstracted Kaufmo and she stuttered that the creature might be the “terrible thing” refered to what she said before.
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At this time I think we can assume that:
Ragatha knows the pursuing exits could drive people to the breaking point.
Ragatha knows people who breaks will happen terrible things.
Ragatha knows by Kinger (who is unresponisive but still noticed somthing wrong) that Kaufmo is unstable recently.
Ragatha knows what “abstract” is, and someone( people who came earlier than her or Caine) kept warnig/brainwashing her that “ Don’t overthink about exist or terrible thing gonna happen”.
Why Ragatha wants to take Pomni to go check on Kaufmo even she knows he is in a unstable situation?
I think it can be explained that:
She wants to form a stonger colleague relationship with Pomni by taking her to meet the used-to-be-frindely Kaufmo (who liked to tell jokes). or—
She wants to warn Pomni by letting her see “the terrible thing” to stop her from thinking about exit.
By going through all this points, I feel that Ragatha is the most positive on the concept about “No exist”. It looks like she tries hard to prove that there is no way out.
This point is also supported by Caine. And Ragatha hints in a non-obvious way through the pilot that Caine treats them with good intention:
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The official site introduces the series with:
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So nevertheless, I think Ragatha is still a trapped victim, and the pilot seems to show that she grows a bit Stockholm syndrome and stands by Caine’s side to defend her sanity. That's why she is described as the sweetest optimist.
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I find Jax's different attitude is intersting when Ragatha and Kinger mentioned their daily routine:
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Jax didn't comment on Ragatha explaining their useless sleep routine.
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tadc-harlequin-au · 4 months ago
(I apologize in advance, color meaning is a hyperfixation of mine. Probably has no significance at all in your thing, but the brain has been possessed.)
Now color can have several different interpretations of meanings.
Pomni's main colors are red, blue, and grey. Red usually symbolizes aggression (obviously, look at Anger from Inside Out), but also confidence, strength and courage. Blue is seen as more a calming color, we're not even gonna bring up sadness because it's. Kind of obvious, too. But blue can also represent aloofness. Grey is neutral, yes, but also represents boredom. (The more you know).
Caine's main colors are yellow and also red. See above for some representations of red. But it also represents passion and energy, along with love and strength. Yellow is kind of obvious all around, representing happiness and friendliness. But it also represents caution. Hence the bright yellow of those Wet Floor signs.
Ragatha's main colors are red, white and blue. So uh. See Pomni above for some representations already. But I'm assuming we're going a calmer/less aggressive route for our girl over here. Red also represents love. In Ragatha's case, blue seems to be more of the conservative, stable and reliable. White symbolizes purity and cleanliness. See also: churches
Jax, red and purple. I'm assuming we're going the more aggressive representation of red for this man right here, so probably strength and probably some anger issues. Purple, in some cases, represents royalty? For some reason? Idk man. It also represents creativity, wisdom and magic. That explains why a lot of Ms. Frizzle's dresses are purple. Anyway.
Gangle is a bit of a mystery, because due to the lighting, I can't tell if it's red or magenta. I'm going with magenta. Anyway, it can represent kindness, gentleness and compassion along with tolerance. Then there's depression as a representation. So uh. Take that as you will.
Z is a very, very dark purple with grey and brown. Wisdom for purple, but brown and grey's interpretations are interesting to me. Grey is neutral, as stated previously, along with boredom, but in this case, I think practicality (my dyslexic ass probably didn't spell that right) and seriousness fit more. Brown represents warmth but also stability. Interesting.
My man Kingr is two different shades of purple with light blue thrown in. Royalty/regality for purple, along with wisdom. There is some white thrown in, so Imma throw in athe hop and/or emptiness representation of white. Blue represents reliability and loyalty, which I find ironic, considering the type of model (most likely didn't refer to that right) Kingr is.
Anyway, I apologize, I'm sleep deprived and my author brain went "hey, what if".
No no, don't apologize. Colors DO have a significance to this AU like I've admitted in my confession about who the Patriarch is.
I don't have to correct most of your observations here as they are very much accurate (well done), so I'll only point out the ones you're specifically missing.
Pomni's is not only reds and blues as a callback to TADC Pomni, but also white and yellows. Greys have a significance to Pomni's arc that I'm not yet ready to disclose as of the moment, as the arc hasn't even begun yet, though your observation is still quite accurate nonetheless. Whites represent her "purity", but in a different, darker sense; her individuality is almost scrubbed clean due to what she went through. Reds and blues are actually inspired by the ideologies of the Philippine flag too, where if reds are on top, it means a war is afoot.
Pomni's war is not all external, it is also internal to her as her soul fragments fights against the overpowering yet broken directive that's currently puppeteering her.
Jax is also accurate (though purples don't represent royalty, it represents his creativity/adaptability, with immatureness and emotional instability), but you've also missed cyan. Cyans for him represent his calm, laid-back/carefree attitude that's can also be borderline indifference.
I am curious as to what you mean by Kingr though, as he is pretty loyal to the gang to the point of putting himself in line of danger if he deemed it necessary for everyone else's benefit/survival. He's on the process of abandoning old ideals of "every man for themselves".
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pointyfruit · 11 months ago
Hi, I'm Pointyfruit! Or Pointy! Oor Fruit! (They/Them)
I mainly reblog silly stuff and art! I also draw stuff sometimes. A lot of stuff overall. This is a very active, multifandom account.
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Been bouncing around with my sona. This is the go-to reference if you want to draw me very pretty or shred me in a blender idk
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Fandoms (roughly most to least active):
After 7 years of unsupervised internet access, I've picked up a ton of interests! (Some of them are still being unpacked.)
‱DCA fandom
‱Cult of the Lamb
‱TSBS-> tsams -> tlaes -> teaps
‱The Amazing Digital Circus -> tadc aus
Other stuff I like that I'm not kneck deep in its fandom for:
‱Poppy playtime -> smiling critters
‱Little Nightmares
‱Undertale -> sans aus
‱Gravity Falls
‱Murder Drones
‱Helluva Boss
‱Art in general
Warning: I reblog and make stuff with bright colors and eye strain often. I sometimes forget to tag it.
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Pointy doodles: art I don't deem worthy of the tags above. Messy/unfinished/silly stuff
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Q: What app do you use to draw?
Q: What device do you use to draw?
A: Ibispaintx all my life. I started using krita in 2025.
A: Phone and fingers babeeyyy + Artist 12 w/ windows laptop
Q: How tall are you?
A: I'm 5'6
Q: Can I use your art as a pfp?
A: Yes, just credit me in your bio
Q: Who's your favorite FNAF character?
A: Aside from the blaringly obvious answer the dca, I like Bonnie, Ft.Freddy+BonBon, and Glamrock Freddy! I appreciate more, but I can't think of of them off the top of my head.
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prof-ramses · 1 year ago
Theorizing about the new TADC character teaser!
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For those not in the know, Gooseworx posted the first of the above images on her socials yesterday. Obviously teasing future TADC characters.
The second image is an upside down edit, to help get a better gander at the reflections.
As none of these characters match any of the abstracted performers, the most likely option is that these four a NPC created for adventures, or possible, one shared adventure.
For the sake of clarity, the characters will henceforth be referred to as Blue, Pink, Green and Grey.
I'll discuss them individually before giving a theory about episode 2
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A lot of people have compared this character to the cast of the fighting game Ballz 3D, and predicting they're made of balloons, but upon closer inspection, I have uncovered some details no one else has pointed out.
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In addition to making out what appears to be a simplistic face texture, seemingly hovering in front of Blue's face, but the shapes and contours of their limbs make them resemble coils, like a thick rubber version of Gangle's torso.
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Pink here has understandably been compared to Queenie by many fans, as well as many assuming them to be the leader of this odd group. Other's have drawn comparisons to Baroness Von Bon Bon, which are also understandable. But what else could a detailed look over reveal?
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It would appear Pink has a heart pattern on their chest, as well as large puffy hair and an adorable little crown.
Her dress has 2 to 3 layers, depending on if the highlighted segment towards the bottom left is actually anything meaningful.
I also took the liberty of estimating her hand proportions.
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The most "normal" looking of the four, at least in this teaser, kind of like Ragatha in the main cast reflection teaser. The ghostly element is obvious and the extra blur added by their glow affect compounded by the reflection complicates analysis a bit, but I like a challenge.
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The first thing that stuck out to me was what I can best describe as a line of many small buttons, like an old fashioned woman's shirt. The change in thickness of one arm also gave the impression of sleeves.
Lastly (and most likely to be parandolia), I think I found the rough outline of a darker patch on the head, likely the actual head.
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I've seen the most disagreement over what this weirdo is. My first thought was a penguin, but I no longer hold that opinion. Rather, I agree with many others who sight this a a revisit of Frogni (an unused frog design for Pomni). So, let's dissect this thing.
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So, Frogni is definitely here in spirit, especially with Grey being the most main cast-like new comer. The orange/bronze arm is what really stuck with me, especially as I haven't seen anyone point it out.
I think these NPCs will be rivals to the performers (Gangle, Kinger, Ragatha and Pomni) in a "rival showdown" adventure. Jax and Zooble will either opt out or defeat their rivals so quickly that they weren't included (similar to Bubble in the main cast teaser)
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keiru-the-worm · 6 months ago
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⁠★ ok, uh, hii! finally doing an intro yay. just want to introduce myself a little and give some informations
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★ you may call me keiru or tapioca, whatever you prefer best i really don't care. i mainly go by it/its but honestly i couldn't care less what you refer to me as
⁠★ avoid making rude or "playfully" mean jokes at me I don't tend to take them well.
⁠★ i may post some crude or inappropriate humor so be warned
⁠★ feel free to take inspo/copy or draw any of my designs
⁠★ don't be afraid to send me art requests/messages on my ask box or just interact with me in general
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OTHER SOCIALS/where else you can find me:
⁠★ toyhouse: KeiruTheWorm
⁠★ roblox: Two_SeiLa (tapiocaworm)
⁠★ bluesky: keirukr.bsky.social
⁠★ i also have a discord and twitter but it's friends only
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⁠★ in case you wanted to know, this is the brush i use:
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☆ just a heads up this part may be edited later if i ever wish to add or remove any media
⁠★ Undertale/Deltarune
⁠★ regretevator
⁠★ inanimate insanity
⁠★ object shows
⁠★ horror media in general
⁠★ tadc
⁠★ helluva boss/hazbin hotel ((i do NOT support viv she can KISS MY ASS for all i care))
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⁠★ I don't have any specific dnis besides the obvious ones ((homo/trans/queerphobes etc)) but i will block pretty freely
⁠★ AI """artists""" can fuck right off
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residentialsinyomakai · 6 months ago
Obligatory refs + Info of my Yokai Watch Ocs (*▜*)
Under a cut because there's gonna be a lot of yapping and art stuffs....explodes +□+
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Caspian Hernandez || Any Prns || Watcholder
The 15 year old 'basically Nate replacement' of this universe!
Lives in Blossom Heights mostly alone, parents are gone pretty often for one reason or another.
In addition, she lives with Baddinyan who is the only reason they're always out of Chocobars
Can see yokai through their glasses (ability can't be deactivated, but he has to focus on yokai for a few seconds in order to actually see/identify them)
Summons them w/ the Yopple-Brand summon band :'] (Customizable! That's why it looks like a disc attached to a Brute Bracer; because it basically is.) Insert disc into a slot in the side!! Whoopie!!!
Not very socially aware due to doing online school up until the age of like 12 (EVIL CAT interactions early on are constantly like 'lol that thing they said actually meant this you dork ahah you fool' 'hush weirdo I'm trying to focus')
((^ i mean in addition to that hes also based on me so like. Neurodivergent canon?? Maybe?? Idk i unintentionslly write characters like me sometimes
A bit goofy and switches moods easily. Some days can be pretty apathetic if she's in a slump.
Gameverse Friend Team of 6: Baddinyan (duh), Badude, Casanuva, Babblong, Tut'n'K'mon, and Rawry
VC: Unbearaboy! from the 'Yo-Kai Watch!' Sub (the blue one in this scene) ((yes I know it's goofy but it's the only clip I could find, skip past the beginning flashback 😭));
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Kerosque || He/Him || Formerly-Alive Yokai
Water-Attributed Rank-B yokai of the Tough Tribe
Phrog is about in his upper 40's.
Inspirit; is kinda like when people tend to be kinda cold/curt in the mornings for seemingly no reason.
Runs a ramen stand someplace on the outskirts of Yo-kailafornia. (He's a pretty good chef too)
((He also has little custom pins you can get for free depending on who you are ^u^ a few of his customers/friends tend to.))
Uses his ladle (however you spell it) as a bit of a weapon thing. Comically large goofy ahh 😭
Doesnt go to the human world more often than he needs to. Too much everything
This man HATES stepping foot in downtown he does NOT wanna be there ever-
Kinda perpetually grumpy, resting mildly angry face. He tries to be polite but isn't very talkative at all lol
He does in fact croak. I love frog
Not pictured cause I forgot but like. Has a little swirly stomach pattern
Reoccurring yokai at his stand tend to be: Roughraff, Sick-Kun, Quinn, Ebi, Caspian, Master Oden, and occasionally Bruff.
VC: No clue yet, something along the lines of a higher version of Walrus Captain from A hat In Time, or a less enthusiastic Captain Caviar from Cookie Run? (If you got ideas, feel free!)
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Dread || He/They/Xe || Human-Born Yokai
Drain-Attributed Rank-S yokai of the Shady Tribe
Inspirit; kinda similar to intrusive thoughs. Worse case scenario stuff, things that make you think you're an awful person, dreading situations or overthinking anything, etc etc
Is sighted quite a bit around high-schools. Hormones+anxiety+prime place for embarassment? Makes his job too easy
He has low empathy, but isn't completely incapable. Doesn't make a lot of friends and honestly he could care less either way.
Rather flippant, dry humor kinda guy, kinda similar to Jax from tadc for reference
He does have hair under there (i thought thatd be obvious but then again you'd probably also expect him to have skin and a chest/stomach under his hoodie so aifkwod), but it's usually kinda greasy.
Heart is a weak point in battle. If he ever let's it be exposed in the first place, that is
Cannot be seen by Caspian earlier in the story. Around the point I'd expect him to be in most of my drawings, he's at 'watch' Rank-B
Likes to taunt people, the easier to provoke the better. He feeds off of negative reactions and emotions for both entertainment and soul food nom nom
Usually a sad reaction is better than an angry one for him. If he finds someone's emotional weakness he most likely Will Exploit it XnX
While he doesn't care for anyone, he tends to harass Fuwhirl and Negatibuzz the least.
VC: Dont kill me but Raggedy Andy from Raggedy Anne's Musical Adventure
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Swiss || He/Him || Human-Born Yokai
Electic-Attributed Rank-C yokai of the Eerie Tribe
Inspirit; is why people (usually kids) are picky eaters. This can look like randomly losing an appetite/ just finding several things repulsive/I'm bald/nuance/ref
Wanders around wherever. Lives in one of the Tranquility Apartments officially tho.
(Fuwhirl lives w him after they reunite <333 long story short they know him)
Has pretty poor eating habits himself tbh
Is edible!! Technically!!! He would not reccomend it (he's cake roll flavored :'])
The swirl in his hair can be dyed different colors.)
Going off of that, he can regenerate. Useful, but kiiiinda painful
He's a bit of an a-hole, and absolutely doesn't know when to shut up. He doesn't like to fight tho surprisingly (°>°)
Sarcastic and quick to snap back at someone =u=
(There's a strange old man he helps with experiments concerning his odd biology....he hasn't been posted yet but he belongs to my friend @sketchdeath22)
VC: lol idk
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Fuwhirl || They/Them || Object-Born Yokai
Wind-Attributed Rank-D yokai of the Mysterious Tribe
Inspirit; Makes people dizzy either randomly or after standing up ×□×
Lived at a circus for a while, but eventually it moved out of town. After a bit of aimless wandering they found their way to Blossom Heights 🌾!!!
Kinda stumbles when they walk, it's worse when they're distressed but a bit more easy to navigate when they're happier &u&
Naive, likes to think anyone's nice under the surface +▜+
Is kinda like Tattletell's in the way he had to be latched on to you to be effective. Typically via a backpack
Has one of those build-a-bear hearts inside him!!! Whoopie :)
VC: Uhhh I forgot atm but I will come back and edit lol
Anyways, that's not including my like 'ocified versions of pre-existing characters' agsgydirofor I love yapping about ocs!!! Wahoo :)
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canonically47 · 9 months ago
so... those boxers, huh?
(click for better image quality!)
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oh my GOD you guys @burrotello's AU is SOOO good!!!!!! the TADC fandom just has the best artists, every AU i've seen is so creative and fun and this one is an exception because IT'S. EVEN. BETTER.
i cannot express how much i love her artstyle and how much expression she can convey through her art.. so i'll just link the boxer AU masterpost here and let you guys see for yourselves!
for now, let's talk about the elephant in the room: toby and diane! you already know toby if you know me and/or my involvement in the TADC fandom - my OC, very strongly based on agent 47. diane is a new face, though, because she was created with the intention of being toby's handler! (she's based off diana burnwood, obviously.)
the duo and a description of their relationship:
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some design notes:
toby is 150 cm (which is his height in the TADC universe as well), while diane towers over him at 187 cm.
since toby is based off a rubber duck, which is meant to be a gag, i decided to incorporate that into his defense - it's meant to act as a way for the opponent to be unable to see him, since he's so small.
his homing briefcase is his ultimate attack. it's a good thing there's not any water in the boxing ring, or we'd be seeing players drop dead left and right!
also to bounce off toby's duck self, diane is a fox because, well, she's a sly fox! she's based off diana even more than toby is off agent 47, because, while i take a lot of liberties with toby (make him swear more than 47, make him act wayyy more caring and open than he does in hitman), diane is literally almost the same. her wits, sarcasm, beauty, everything is kept in this awesome fox lady. (it was also my first time drawing an anthropomorphic fox, which was sooo fun! i did some warm-up, messy sketches too. i swear the furries are gonna claim me soon, drawing anthros is sooo fun you guys.)
toby's fighter name is "agent T" because i didn't want it to be THAT obvious by naming him 47, but... his HP speaks for itself. i know his stats just SCREAM "mary sue", so SUE ME. he's a damn good fighter!... if only the fight club was fair, then he'd get the proper compensation.
there are a lot of references sprayed throughout their descriptions that i haven't even begun to cover, including lines of dialogue. can you find them? 👀
bonus transparent pngs (featuring injured toby):
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cartoonnerdygoat · 1 year ago
bible and tadc
Let's start with the obvious stuff:
Caine seems to be a reference to Cain, one of the first humans, who kills his brother because of jealousy that god likes him more. Our caine is very not violent, and i have some thoughts but not sharing them yet.XD
We see a C&A logo, so everyone is assumimg that's Caine and Abel.
The last scene looks like the Last Supper by Leonardo de Vinci. Pomni is sitting in Jesus's spot, so we can assume pomni will parallel jesus.
Now, the good stuff...
Goose said that Jax will be the morally worst character, and he'll do something very unlikeable in later episodes. You know who does something bad to jesus? (Jesus like pomni)
JUDAS. In the bible, Judas betrays Jesus. That would really suit Jax, and here's a scenario I came up with:
Jax will somehow cause Pomni to be abstracted (jesus died bc of judas), maybe because he thought that would let him escape. Everyone will hate jax lol
Pomni goes to the cellar (jesus's tomb) as her abstracted form. SOMEHOW, she gets unabstracted (resurrection).
Someone said ragatha could be Mary magdalene (prostitute that jesus stopped from being stoned to death, later she was the first one to see resurrected jesus). Pomni already kind of (albeit badly and not really) saved ragatha from abstracted Kaufmo. Later, ragatha could be the one to find unabstracted pomni.
My bible knowledge is a bit shabby, so not guaranteeing accuracy XD most of these ideas come from other people!
Feel free to reblog with any questions/stuff of your own, i loooove rambling
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wakebymoonsleepbysun · 1 year ago
Untitled Caine x GN!Reader oneshot because why not
EDIT: A more polished version of this is now on ao3!!
After writing something close to 20k words of Stereo Souls this week I needed a quick break, and came up with this while half asleep and feeling mopey. It's self-indulgent so if you find yourself thinking "He would not fucking say that" then yeah, you're probably right but eh, this isn't a Caine character study. đŸ€Ł
If I ever think of a title and edit this I might put this on ao3 cuz again whynot.
(Sidenote: Yes, the reader appearance is based on the TADC sona I designed for myself. At the time I referred to the sona with she/her pronouns because I didn't mean for it to be anything other than a drawing of my own sona. But I assure you this reader is gender neutral despite sharing a design with a she/her character.)
Word count: ~1700
You’ve lost track of how long you’ve been stuck in the Digital Circus. You think the time is best measured in months, not years, but Jax has suggested otherwise a couple times. But you can’t always tell when Jax is lying to upset you, or telling the truth to upset you.
You try not to be upset at all.
Easier said than done in this place, most of the time.
Caine makes it easier, though you seem to be in the minority with that opinion. His games can be irritating sometimes, but you sense he is trying to make them fun
and the banquets and parties he throws for you and your cohorts afterwards are usually nice.
You think he’s improving, but every time you mention that possibility Jax lets out a cough that usually sounds suspiciously like “Stockholm”. 
It is after such a party you’ve slipped out of the tent to wander the grounds on your own for a bit. The sun has gone away for now. You don’t think describing it as having “set” is accurate, but in any case, the grounds are bathed in the bluish glow of nighttime. The moon herself seems to have dozed off in her perch among the chalk stars, so she pays you no mind.
Like the other humans (or perhaps former humans) here, you were given a new form when you arrived. From a distance, you could be mistaken as one of the more humanoid characters, but up close that illusion falls apart. You’re essentially an animated pile of clothing. A hoodie, with the always up hood serving as your head and cartoony, ever malleable and expressive pair of thick glasses serving as your eyes. Your legs are a pair of jeans, the bottoms of which rest on the ground like a floppy pair of feet.
When you’d first caught a glimpse of yourself in a mirror, you’d thought you were invisible
but there’s no invisible body beneath your garments--the garments are you. 
You don’t remember your past life--nobody here does. But you know bits of it, and you feel like in some ways you know yourself. Somehow the idea of you being invisible, faceless, nondescript and barely noticeable feels
Well, it feels like a predictable outcome in many ways. As much as predictable outcomes exist in the Digital Circus, anyway.
The others all seem to have something pulling them back to the human world, even if they don’t always know what it is. Jax less so, and Kinger seems to forget the pull just as much you’ve all forgotten what’s pulling you, but it’s there all the same.
Less so for you though.
You just can’t help but feel
you don’t have much to go back to.
Your moping is interrupted--as it often is--but the sudden appearance of two large eyes immediately in front of you. Green and blue.
“Hello there! I was wondering where you’d gone off to,” Caine says, floating back a pace so his eyes aren’t dominating your visual field.
“Oh, uh, hi Caine,” you say, lifting a floppy sleeve in an imitation of a wave.
“What’s gotcha so blue, pal? Aside from the obvious,” he says, gesturing at the artificially blue lighting around you two.
You let out a little laugh at the joke, wringing your sleeves together. “O-Oh nothing, Caine
” you say.
He’s quiet a moment, then lets out a thoughtful hum. “Hmmmmmmmm?” he muses. His eyes stay in place while his mouth and body rotate around them until he’s upside-down. “Nothing?” he repeats, a layer of dubiousness making itself known beneath his usually pompous tone.
“N-Nothing you need to worry about
” you correct.
Caine abruptly rights himself, giving the top of your hood a gentle tap with his baton, causing your hood--your head--to deflate slightly. 
“Nonsense!” he cries as you try to push your hood back into a head-like shape. “As ringmaster I am in charge of ensuring all characters maintain their happiness and sanity!” he cries, his irises “closing” into little crescents
which is about as close as he can get to closing his eyes.
At your silence, his eyes open again and he floats downward, leaning in close. “Is it because Bubble didn’t save you guys any angel food cake? I told that little parasite--”
“It isn’t that!” you say quickly, holding up your sleeves and quickly shaking your hood.
“Oh. Excellent!” he chirps. For a moment, you hope the tangent had distracted him, but you realize he’s still looking at you expectantly.
“I was uh
just um
thinking about the human world, I guess
” you admit, one of your sleeves rubbing the other nervously.
“Ahhh yes, that whole affair,” Caine says, his tone both pompous and commiserating. He floats down to join you on the ground and begins walking beside you. “I do apologize for how long the Exit Door is taking. I do still have some new ideas I--”
“I’m not worried about the Exit Door, Caine,” you say. He’s talked about making one before, and you’re told when Pomni arrived, he’d come up with something pretty convincing. But it was no real exit. None of you are sure if his “Exit Door” talk is just another game, some new level he’s designing that he thinks will delight all of you indefinitely, or if he truly is trying to help you find a way out.
Most of the time you’re not sure if Caine even knows.
“Oh?” he asks curiously. “Everyone else is.”
I’m not not worried about it
” you amend.
One side of his upper teeth raises in an approximation of a quirked brow. “But you just said--”
“I-I mean
I’m worried about it in general I guess, but not right this second,” you clarify quickly.
“Ah. I see,” he says with a small nod. Once again he looks at you expectantly.
“Can I ask you something?”
Caine’s mouth tilts to one side curiously, but after a moment he cries “Certainly!” in his usual showman tone.
“Do you
have any data on who we used to be? Even
what we looked like?” you ask.
“Afraid not, friend!” he declares easily. “In fact, I don’t even know what humans look like!”
You falter slightly, glancing over him in surprise. “Not at all?”
“Not at all!” he says with a grand sweep of his arm. “Think about it. When would I have ever seen a human?”
I suppose
” you say.
“I have inferred some things though!” he declares, raising one finger and puffing his chest as he walks. “Ragatha is the closest. Pomni being a close second. And you being
” He stops walking, one hand scratching his chin. “Perhaps a distant third?” he asks tentatively, as if he’s truly not sure.
You’re not entirely sure either. If Jax’s ears didn’t make him resemble a rabbit more than a human, one could make the case that he’s more “human” than you by virtue of having a solid shape and an actual face.
But you simply shrug and dip your hood in a nod. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”
“Good!” he chirps easily, taking a couple quick steps to catch up to you and once again fall into step beside you. “But why do you ask?”
You don’t think he’s going to stop prodding until you tell him. Or until he decides you need a new adventure to take your mind off of it. Though even after you tell him, he might still think you need an adventure. But either way, it seems your only chance at a peaceful evening is to just tell Caine what’s on your mind.
Still, that’s a bit easier said than done.
“I-It’s just
I don’t really remember specifics about my life
“Nobody does!” he chirps.
“Right,” you continue, not particularly phased by the interruption. “It’s
hard to explain, but
when I look in the mirror and don’t have a face--a real face
almost a relief?” you say, glancing up at him.
Caine simply stares at you in silence, waiting for you to continue.
“I-I just
feel like
there was something in the mirror I
didn’t like seeing
but I don’t know why
One side of his upper jaw raises slightly in a curious expression. “Do you mean in a physical sense? Or more metaphorical?” he asks.
You glance over at him in surprise. You hadn’t expected such an insightful question. If anything, you’d assumed he’d take it literally--that you just didn’t like your human face. Nothing deeper than that.
But even you don’t know if it’s deeper than that.
“I don’t know,” you say. “I don’t remember clearly enough. It’s
an impression of how I used to feel, I guess.”
” he hums, his fingers drumming on the gums below his lower row of teeth. “Well, good buddy, I’m afraid I can’t help with that.”
You’d give a small, good-natured smile if you could, but you can’t, so you simply flop your arms in a mild shrug. “I didn’t think so. That’s why I didn’t want to bother you with it.”
“Bother? Hardly a bother!” Caine cries cheerfully. “Your happiness and sanity are my priority!” he declares, placing a fist against his chest and puffing up proudly.
“W-Well..thanks for um
checking in on me anyway,” you say, wringing your sleeves together awkwardly.
He lifts off the ground again, hovering in front of you. He lays horizontally, his hands folded under his lower jaw. “For what it’s worth though, friend
If you had a face, I’d sure be happy to see it!” he says, poking the bridge of your glasses with one finger.
You sputter in surprise at the remark, and the little touch. He
he surely meant both in the most innocent, innocuous way possible
Caine’s irises close into happy crescents as he rights himself, taking your sleeves in his hands. “Feeling better?” he asks, and you think you hear some genuine warmth in his tone.
Your hood flops forward in a nod. “Y-Yes
thank you.”
“Good!” he crows happily. “Ready to head back? There’s a mousse pie with your name on it!” he grins. Then he pauses, tapping his chin with one finger. “Which I maaaaay mean literally, if that’s your fancy!”
You laugh softly. “Figuratively is fine.”
“Ah, good. Keeps things simple!” he says. He lowers himself to the ground again, and to your surprise, holds out his elbow for you. “Shall we head back, then?”
You’re surprised at the little gesture. You feel your glasses fogging up a bit but quickly lower your hood, trying not to draw attention to it. “S-Sure
” you say, looping your sleeves around his arm.
Life in the circus
isn’t terrible, you decide.
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anime-owo-kage-san · 1 year ago
Real-World Names I came up for the TADC characters:
Note: Names may or may not change later on.
I’m posting for the names first. Short story and biography of the characters will be some other time.
Jax — Glen Stewart: Don’t really much of a reason for the first name. I was just trying to think of the dorkiest name to ever give him. (Bc I like to imagine Jax as a bullied loser in the real world.) As for the surname, again, not much reason. So, I think I might change it soon.
Pomni — Courtney Freeborn: I didn’t want her name to start with P. But, I also wanted it to be 2 syllables too. And then I randomly thought “Hey! The name Courtney has ‘ni’ just like Pomni, and they’re both 2 syllables. So, why not?”
And the surname, there are 2 reasons why I made it that:
One; I thought it would be a funny reference to Pomni’s VA Lizzie Freeman.
Two; because of the cypher thing.
Pomni - Remember
And the other set of letters that were peeking out just above “xddcc”, which I heard was a cypher for “GET”. So, in a specific order, it would say: “Remember, get out.” Or “Get out. Remember.”
So, I thought giving her real-world self a surname with the word “free” in it, would be funny.
Ragatha — Anne Hart: “Anne”, Raggedy “Anne”. Need I say more? The last name
 Hart was pronounced as “Heart” and Ragatha is a sweetheart so— Yeah, I’m gonna shut up now.
Zooble — Alex _____: I’m working on it
. I don’t know that much gender neutral names. This is sort of just a default until I find a good one. No last name yet. I’m sorry, I love Zooble but their such an unreadable character. It’s hard for me to find a good name. 😭
Gangle — Violetta Sallow: There was this one character in an anime who is completely unrelated to TADC, that Gangle reminded me of. She was cute and timid. Her name wasn’t Violetta but it WAS a nickname given to her. So, I used that as Gangle’s name. Surname was just because, I thought it rolled off the tongue really well with Violetta.
Kinger — Henry Kingston: I couldn’t be any more obvious with this one.
Queenie — Charlotte or Elizabeth (and is under the same last name as the one above): Both names mean or are related to Queen. So
I wanted to come up with a Kaufmo name, but just like Zooble, it’s difficult to think of one. So
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frogwithastrawberry · 1 year ago
Alright, but Generation Loss is actually pretty similar to TADC, and it's giving me Theories
(Generation Loss Spoilers by the way! Kinda TADC spoilers too? Not really though on that one)
Generation Loss is about being trapped inside a show set, and then becoming suddenly aware
What if TADC is similar? Pomni mentioned that she wanted to get her headset off, and that with some other factors imply that they're in a show, and what we're seeing is the show itself, but also some of the "off time"
So what if getting out will be something similar?
This could take a dark turn and it could be like Generation Loss,
where the only COMPLETE escape is death (aka Abstraction), and otherwise the shows just keep repeating, and you're stuck in one, but this time they're aware and have control
It would be really cool if the viewers get mentioned, because it's already kind of implied with the fact that the characters know they have a theme song, which is probably scripted, and they may not be able to change. So if they know there's a theme, they may know they're being watched
(Reference: in the pilot Jax says "... Is this one of your NPC's or is this a new sucker? Because if it's a new character, we're going to have to redo this whole theme song.")
Also the repeating "day after day after day after day" in the theme song could be a hint to that again, if I somehow end up being right, or somewhat close
Kaufmo could have gone crazy from trying too hard to break out of the pattern, or cycle
And there could be a script still, but what if it's a more freeform one? Like, each character has a certain obvious gimmick or personality trait they'll stick to. They won't be allowed to deviate, or they could "Abstract"
Idk. They're just both things I really like and I want a crossover I guess.
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jesters-emotes · 1 month ago
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Welcome to jesters-emotes!
you can call us jester, atzi, or whatever headmate is fronting atm (we'll sign off posts if we can tell who made them). he/they/pup pronouns please and thanks! we are a minor so please keep that in mind when requesting <3
we're an artist who simply finds drawing silly little guys enjoyable :3 emote rules/dni/info below cut!
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All emotes must be credited with "jest_emotename" on discord!
Emote rules ꩜ !
I'll do most anything besides the obvious (hate speech/slurs/nsfw), including OCs or headmates if references are provided, along with characters from any fandoms listed below! Agere/petre/therian/otherkin emotes are also allowed! Mental health and chronic illness emotes will also be common bc I struggle with both!
Fandom list ꩜ !
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
Minecraft/MCYT (not including dream/the dteam)
Murder Drones
any of my own OCs (found on my Instagram @jester-b0mb)
DNI ꩜ !
endos/non-traumagenic and supporters
nsfw blogs (ofc)
dream supporters
ppl who sexualize agere
generally anyone who comes to hate :)
Tags ꩜ !
jesters emotes -- emoji posts!
jester reblogs -- posts I like a lot :3
jester answers -- responding to asks!
This post will be updated whenever I see fit and I will reblog when that happens!
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divider by nicodefresas ! <3
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